
french input method


Windows International Keyboard Codes

In order to use these codes you must activate the international keyboard. Instructions are listed in the Keyboards section of this Web site.

Accented Vowels

This list is organized by Accent type. The sample shows a letter with that accent, and the Notes present any special comments about using that accent.

For the Template, the symbol "V" means type any vowel.

Acute é É ', V ' = apostrophe key
Circumflex â Â SHIFT+^, V
Grave à À `, V
Umlaut ë Ë ", V " = quote key

Example 1: To type lower case ó - Type the apostrophe key ('), then O. For capital Ó, type the apostrophe, then capital O.

Consonants and Puncutation

For these codes, you must make sure you use the Alt key on the right side of the keyboard.
Note: that there is no shortcut for the joined O-E.

Ç Shift+RightAlt + <
ç RightAlt + <
« RightAlt+[
» RightAlt+]


coupe-ongles d'orteils (切,脚趾doit de pied)
toenail clippers

qualité professionnelle
professional quality

ce coupe-ongles est spécialement conçu(concevoir)pour l'obtention d'une coupe précise des ongles des orteils.
these toenail clippers are specially designed to obtain a precision cut of toenails.

après usage, placer dans un endroit sec.
after use store in a dry place.

Tenir hors de portée des enfants.
keep out of the reach of children.


2010 South Africa World Cup 32-strong list 南非世界杯32强

2010 South Africa World Cup 32-strong list 【Chart】
A组 南非--Afrique du Sud 墨西哥--Mexique 乌拉圭--Uruguay 法国--France
A group of South Africa (29) Mexico (26) Uruguay (26) France (30)

B组 阿根廷--Argentine 尼日利亚--Nigeria 韩国--Corée 希腊--Grèce
Group B Argentina (30) Nigeria (30) South Korea (30) Greece (30)

C组 英格兰--Angleterre 美国--États-Unis 阿尔及利亚--Algérie 斯洛文尼亚--La Slovénie
C group in England (30) USA (30) Algeria (25) Slovenia (30)

D组 德国--Allemagne 澳大利亚--Australie 塞尔维亚--Serbie 加纳--Ghana
D Group Germany (27) Australia (31) Serbia (27) Ghana (30)

E组 荷兰--Pays-Bas 丹麦--Danemark 日本--Japon 喀麦隆--Cameroun
E Group Netherlands (30) Denmark (30) Japan (23) Cameroon (30)

F组 意大利--Italie 巴拉圭--Paraguay 新西兰--Nouvelle-Zélande 斯洛伐克--La Slovaquie
Italian F group (30) Paraguay (30) New Zealand (23) Slovakia (29)

G组 巴西--Brésil 鲜朝--déplacer frais 科特迪瓦--Côte d'Ivoire 葡萄牙--Portugal
G Unit Brazil (23) North Korea (30) Ivory Coast (29) Portugal (24)

H组 西班牙--Espagne 瑞士--Suisse 洪都拉斯--Honduras 智利--Chili
Group H Spain (30) Switzerland (23) Honduras (23) Chile (30)


STM Montreal - Overview of Montreal Transit Use 蒙特利尔的交通


STM Société de transport de Montréal

buses spew out nine times less greenhouse gases than cars and electrical-powered subways cause even less environmental damage.

weekly, six-ticket and tourist packages.

senior or student pass 老人及学生票

Full Fare Rates (full bus & metro access on the island of Montreal)*
Monthly pass: $70 ($68.50 in 2009)
Weekly pass: $20.50 ($20 in 2009)
Ten one-way trips: $21 ($20 in 2009)(only available with OPUS)
Six one-way trips: $13.25 ($12.75 in 2009)
One one-way trip: $2.75 ($2.75 in 2009, 2008 and 2007)
Three-day Tourist Card: $14 ($17 in 2009)
One-day Tourist Card: $7 ($9 in 2009)

Kids under 6 travel free. Kids ages 6 to 11 pay reduced rates but do not require proof of age. Students ages 12 to 25 must use a Photo I.D. OPUS card to travel at reduced rates.
Seniors ages 65 and up must use an OPUS Photo I.D. card to travel at reduced rates.